新聞記事 Media 


Below you will find media coverage of our program.

⑧ Waka pageant has global flavour

This year's Waitangi Day waka pageant will include for the first time paddlers from the Ainu, the indigenous people of Japan.

Up to 16 waka are expected at the February 6 pageant - one of Northland's great spectacles - and will be paddled by international crews from Japan, the United States and the Netherlands as well as iwi from the length and breadth of the North Island.

Nga Waka Federation chairman Robert Gabel of Kawakawa said about 20 members of the Ainu people, hosted by Te Wananga o Aotearoa, would take part for the first time. Members of a canoe culture like the Maori, they would be allocated to various crews so all would have a chance to experience the pageant.

Also taking part would be an 18-strong contingent of Native Americans, including the Suquamish people of Seattle who have a long-standing waka exchange with New Zealand, and two young Dutchmen from the city of Leiden. The Dutch paddlers are members of the Njord Royal Rowing Club, kaitiaki (guardians) of a canoe carved by Far North waka master Hec Busby for a Dutch ethnology museum.

Called Te Hono ki Aotearoa (The Link to New Zealand), the waka is often used at cultural events around Europe.

Mr Gabel said another cause for excitement was the participation of Te Arawa, who were bringing two waka from Rotorua for the first time since 1990.

Also taking part would be waka crews from Ngati Awa (Whakatane) and Tainui (Waikato).

⑦Our ties of solidarity prop collective goals

His visit to England was invaluable and a vital thread in our history that we must never forget.E NGA tini marae huri noa i te motu, tena ra koutou katoa.

Last week I joined others at Ratana Pa, where every year for more than 80 years those of the Ratana faith, and many from other spiritual beliefs, celebrate the birthday of the founder of the Ratana Church, Tahupotiki Wiremu Ratana (TW Ratana)

TW Ratana was a prophet and was said to have the gift of healing through prayer. His reputation spread rapidly, and a village grew, known as Ratana Pa. Thousands attended his meetings, and many became followers. In the 1920s he travelled New Zealand and overseas.

He was not only a spiritual leader but also a political leader. In 1924 he took a petition to London, signed by more than 30,000 Maori, calling for the return of confiscated lands and recognition of the Treaty of Waitangi. He sought an audience with King George V. It was a journey I know of well, as my own grandfather, father and two aunts accompanied him to London, seeking the commitment of the Crown to honour the Treaty.

Tahupotiki Wiremu Ratana was not allowed to speak with King George V, nor was the petition able to be presented to the League of Nations in Geneva. But his actions did help persuade the New Zealand government, in 1926, to set up the Sim Commission of inquiry to investigate land confiscation, and it later upheld many Maori grievances over land.

His visit to England was invaluable and a vital thread in our history that we must never forget.

Maori and non-Maori continue to meet at Ratana every year in recognition of the movement and its place in the Maori world. Many come to rekindle ties, others are visiting for the first time. It was a time for morehu to celebrate Tahupotiki's birthday and their youth. For years the marae was flooded with rangatahi - music, sports and cultural activities.

Today it has become an opportunity for politicians to pontificate about what they will do for the future of Maori.

Among the crowds this year were manuhiri tuarangi - visitors from afar - the Ainu, indigenous people from Japan. They were brought on to the grounds by the Maori Party as part of their national tour to meet and network with Maori.

There is a wonderful connection between the Ainu and the Ratana people which was rekindled this year. In 1924 TW Ratana visited Japan, where he met Bishop Juji Nakada. And in 1927 the Ratana Temple was opened by Bishop Nakada (it is thought that he may have been of Ainu descent).

TW Ratana, who held strong political views, predicted that following the collapse of the American economy, the Asian economy would rise and would become a major influence in the Pacific region.

His visit to Japan came at a time when those of Asian descent faced much discrimination. His visit teaches us the importance of relationship building regardless that it might make us unpopular with others.

Maori have a lot in common with the Ainu. We are both indigenous peoples fighting to ensure our place in our homeland, including the survival of our language and culture.

We were able to witness some of Ainu culture at Ratana this year.

It was indeed a privilege to welcome them, and we were richer from their presence.

The Ainu will have the opportunity to network with other Maori groups around the country at Parihaka, the Waitangi celebrations and at Matatini. It is whakawhanaunga, the act of building ties, rekindling ties, forming networks and friendships with family and others. Ratana have been able to reciprocate the relationship formed by TW Ratana and Japan all those years ago, and now it is timely that the Ainu set about establishing new relationships and connections with other hapu and iwi around the country.

Indigenous peoples have always drawn strength from one another with our shared histories of colonisation and our collective goals of self-determination, independence and cultural revitalisation.

From the Koori people of Australia and the Kanaky people of New Caledonia, across the great Pacific Ocean to the Native Americans and First Nations peoples of North America and to the Sami of Norway.

Each year Maori around the country host other indigenous people here in Aotearoa or travel abroad to rekindle relationships, share our strategies and pathways for self-determination.

While indigenous peoples are at different phases of language revitalisation or economic independence, our ties with each other will continue to help establish a global network of indigenous peoples for all our future generations.

⑥ An Ainu Maori Exchange
PUBLISHED ON JAN 19, 2013 A group of 7 Ainu youth from Ainumosir (Hokkaido) are a mere one day away from setting out on their long-awaited journey to Aotearoa (New Zealand) where they will spend five weeks learning from the Maori. Through the Aotearoa Ainumosir Exchange Program, the 7 youths, accompanied by 3 Ainu committee members and 3 interpreters, will spend their time studying the various ambitious endeavors of the Maori people who have successfully revitalized their rights as indigenous people while living with strength in the society of New Zealand.

The idea for an exchange came about in January 2012, when a Maori leader, Te Ururoa Flavell visited Ainumosir and Tokyo and witnessed the work Ainu people are doing in their communities to revitalize their culture, language, and rights. He immediately suggested that Ainu youth come to Aotearoa to see how Maori community members have been working to ensure cultural survival. Immediately, they formed the Aotearoa-Ainumosir Exchange Program Committee to seek out participants. After a rigorous interview process, they chose 7 Ainu youth to go on the exchange.

As part of the exchange, the Maori will graciously offered to cover the majority of food, transportation, and lodging, however, it was up to the Program to cover all the expenses, including the cost of getting to Aotearoa and back. For this, they turned to Indiegogo.

Six days ago, they reached their fundraising goal; however, a member of the Program's Organizing Committee informs Intercontinental Cry that they still need to raise a little more money to cover some extra expenses and to create a safety net so that they can continue to have reciprocal exchanges in the future.

Why Does the Exchange Matter?
For many years, the Ainu have been working to build resilience in their communities. Unfortunately, due to fears of discrimination, many people still hide their Ainu identity from their children, family, and friends. This has led many to believe that the Ainu no longer exist. It was only in 2008 that the Ainu were recognized as the Indigenous Peoples of Japan. In New Zealand, the Maori have been successful in their tireless work to advance the revitalization of their rights as indigenous people since the 1970s. Furthermore, the Maori people are contributing significantly to the development of New Zealand society in all of fields, whether economic, social, cultural, or political. The Maori language is an official language along with English.

It is certain that through this exchange program Ainu participants will gain enormous encouragement from their Maori counterparts who are making great strides in society while maintaining their culture and values as indigenous people. It will also be an opportunity for young Ainu people in search of their Ainu identity to take their first steps on the Ainu path. Due to anxiety about deeply rooted discrimination which pervades society, or the inability for people to discover meaning in being Ainu, there are still many people who have yet to assert their Ainu identity. According to a Hokkaido Prefecture survey there are about 24000 Ainu people, however in reality there are several times more Ainu people than that figure leads us to believe. Out of the 5,000 to 10,000 Ainu people living in the Tokyo metropolitan area alone, only around 100 of them are active as Ainu. It's time for that to change.

⑤Ainu-Maori Exchanges supports Ratana Legacy

Updated at 6:31 am on 25 January 2013
A senior Ratana Church member says he supports more cultural exchanges with the Ainu people from northern Japan because Asian cultures are becoming more prominent with more migrants settling in New Zealand.
A delegation of indigenous Ainu people from Hokkaido were led on to Ratana Pa near Whanganui this week by Maori Party MP, Te Ururoa Flavell.
Ruia Aperahama said the Church has a long association with Japan when the seed of unity was sown in 1924 after a visit there by the movement's founder, Tahupotiki Wiremu Ratana.
In 1927 the Ratana Temepara or Temble was opened by Bishop Juji Nakata from Japan who was also of Ainu descent.
Mr Aperahama said Maori and Ainu share similar struggles as tangata whenua.
He said Maori must build a stronger relationship with the Ainu because both groups are on the same path of a language and culture renaissance.
Mr Ratana said T.W Ratana prophesied that following the collapse of the American economy, the Asian economy will rise and will become a major influence in the Pacific region.
He said Aotearoa needs to allow for the "Asian invasion" to occur and not feel threatened by it.
He said that as Maori and other New Zealanders start to embrace different Asian cultures it will break down any barriers of racial intolerance.
Meanwhile, hundreds more visitors are expected at Ratana Pa on Friday for the final day of anniversary celebrations commemorating the birth of Tahupotiki Wiremu Ratana who was born on 25 January, 1873. 

④2012.9.26 北海道新聞 

 ③2012.6.26  朝日新聞北海道版


「マオリに学んで」アイヌ民族をNZに派遣2012年06月26日■NZでの交流事業、参加者募る アイヌ民族の人々をニュージーランドに派遣し、先住民 族マオリの先進的な取り組みを学んでもらおうと、「アオテアロア・アイヌモシリ交流プログラム実行委員会」がアイヌ民族の参加者を募集している。 今年1 月来日し、「アイヌ民族党」結党大会に出席したニュージーランド先住民族の政党「マオリ党」の国会議員が企画。来日時に交流したアイヌ民族の人たちが中心 になって、日本側の実行委を立ち上げた。 派遣は来年1月21日から約1カ月。滞在費はマオリ側の受け入れ組織が、渡航費は実行委が資金を集めて負担する ため、本人負担は雑費など5万円。現地ではマオリの重要な行事に参加したり、マオリ語の教育現場などを見たりしながら研修を行う。 アイヌ民族であること を積極的に公表していない人にも、参加を呼びかけたいとしている。 募集はアイヌ民族10人程度。参加動機や思いを書いた千字以内の作文と履歴書による1 次選考の後、7月27日に東京で、7月30日に札幌で面接による2次選考がある。応募締め切りは6月30日(当日消印有効、ファクス可)。書類提出先は〒 252・0135神奈川県相模原市緑区大島3336の1 島田あけみさん気付、実行委員会事務局(電話・ファクス042・763・6602)。メールの問 い合わせは事務局(aaep2012@gmail.com)へ

②2012.6.22 北海道新聞夕刊 Hokkaido Shimbun

① 2012.6.7 産經新聞東京版朝刊 Sankei Shimbun Tokyo Region


NZでマオリと交流 平成25年アイヌ派遣希望者を募集 2012.6.7 21:44 アイヌがニュージーランドの先住民族、マオリの文化や言語を学ぶ「アオテアロア・アイヌモシリ交流プログラム」が平成25年1月21日から1 カ月、ニュージーランドで開かれる。現在、アイヌの参加者約10人と、賛同者の寄付を募集している。 同プログラムでは、ラタナ生誕祭などマオリの伝統行 事に出席。またニュージーランドの公用語として指定されたマオリ語の復興の仕組みなどを学ぶ。同プログラム実行委員会では「まだアイヌであることを公にし ていない方もぜひ参加してもらいたい」としている。参加の応募締め切りは今月30日。 渡航費用など約300万円が必要で、賛同者からの寄付(個人1口 1000円)を受け付けている。問い合わせはメール(aaep2012@gmail.com)で。